family studies project banner with text

In this project you will learn about growing and maintaining a healthy family by learning about child development, building family strengths and managing a household. By focusing on the family, you will learn behaviors that develop friendships, develop respect for others and their belongings, understand the need for rules; express feelings in a positive way, cope with change and stress, learn physical changes of adolescence, study the effects of employment on family and lifestyle, and learn to use consensus and compromise.

With a focus on child development, you will learn how children grow and develop physically, socially, mentally and emotionally. You will observe how people express emotions, identify characteristics of friends, learn socially accepted manners and customs, and observe child behavior.

If you choose, you can learn more about consumer skills. Responsible financial management is an important factor in successful families. Learn to determine differences between needs and wants, develop a savings plan for a special goal, practice comparison shopping, learn to manage a checking account, recognize target advertising, identify consumer rights and learn the value of employment.

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family studies

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