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  5. »Horse

4-H Youth Development


Love horses? Then this project is for you! You will have the opportunity to learn, handle, care for and ride horses. Members may own or lease a horse, but must manage the horse 75% of the time, whether owned or leased.

Horseless horse members do not own or lease a horse. 4-H members participate by learning about horses and can participate in judging contests, quiz bowl, hippology, and give presentations. Horseless horse members may volunteer to assist with horse shows and trail rides.



Explore your Spark! horse safety

Ready to get started in your project learning? Check out the Kansas Clover Classroom!


Things to Learn/Do in the Project

Horse Project FAQs

Ages 7-9

  • Practice safety and proper use of equipment around horses
  • Identify horse body parts
  • Learn the breeds of horses

Ages 10-13

  • Learn about grooming
  • Learn how to bridle and saddle a horse
  • Learn how to judge and give oral reasons

Ages 14 and Older

  • How to detect unsoundness in horses
  • Learn to identify and treat equine diseases
  • Learn about ethics and competition

Project Materials

Reasonably priced materials are available for every project in Kansas 4-H. You can order the materials for your project online or contact your local Extension Office.

Project Leader Resources

Record Keeping Resources

Related Resources - Veterinary Science

3 Year Old Projects - Nominations are due June 1!

Achievement Level Resources

Awards and Recognition

County Level
Award: Medal presented at your 4-H Achievement Banquet

State Level
Award: Medallion

National Level
Award: $400 National 4-H Congress Scholarship

Career Connections